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adalah perusahaan swasta nasional yang bergerak di bidang Hygiene Industri dan Kesehatan Lingkungan. Bertujuan untuk menjembatani dan memenuhi kebutuhan dunia industri khususnya dan masyarakat pada umumnya. perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan barang dan jasa dengan meng-khususkan lingkup usaha perusahaan dalam bidang pengadaan peralatan hygiene industri dan kesehatan lingkungan, Peralatan Laboratorium, alat-alat kesehatan, serta penyediaan jasa pemantauan, pengukuran lingkungan dan perbaikan peralatan.

Produk yang diperdagangkan perusahan utamanya adalah produk produk yang berkaitan dengan hygiene industri, kesehatan lingkungan, kesehatan & keselamatan kerja dan Peralatan laboratorium dan alat  alat kesehatan . Produk produk tersebut antara lain :

A. Peralatan Pemantau Hygiene Industri dan Keselamatan Kerja Peralatan pemantau higiene industri dan keselamatan kerja meliputi :

  • Alat ukur suara ( Sound Level Meter & Noise Dosimeter) 

  • Alat ukur getaran ( Vibration Monitoring) 

  • Alat detector gas berbahaya & mudah terbakar ( Gas Detektor & Flamable Gas Detector)

  • Alat untuk pengambilan sampel gas, debu, mist, fume & aerosol ( gas, fume, aerosol sample pump & monitoring) 

B. Peralatan Pemantau Lingkungan Jenis peralatan tersebut antara lain :

  • Peralatan sampling dan analisa udara maupun peralatan untuk sampling kualitas udara pada cerobong secara isokinetik otomatis 

  • Alat pantau cuaca stasioner yang dilengkapi dengan penyimpanan data ( data logging) sesuai parameter yang diukur. 

  • Peralatan pemantau kwalitas Air Bersih dan Air Minum ( Microbiologi, PH, Conductivity, ORP, Salinity, Dissolved, Turbiditi, TDS, Resisvity, Ion Meter dll..) 

  • Perlatan pemantau kadar kimia dalam makanan 

C. Scientific Instrument, untuk :

  • Laboratorium Kimia Dasar & Kimia Klinik : Laboratorium Bio Kimia, Kimia Klinik , Kimia Analitik, Mikrobiologi, Hematologi, Parasitologi, Kimia Farmasi & Toksikologi, Serologi, Virologi & Immunologi, Kimia Air, Kimia Makanan & Minuman, dll 

  • Laboratorium Fisika & Biologi : Laboratorium Instrumentasi, Fisika dasar, Elektronika Medik, Radiology, alat elektronik, Elektronika Medik, Anatomi & Fisiology, Farmakologi dll. 

D. Media dan Reagensia, Untuk:

  • Menunjang kebutuhan reagent pada Rumah Sakit, Puskesmas, Klinik, dan Laboratorium. 

E. Survey Meter

F. Farmasi


Sound level meter is used for acoustic (sound that travels through air) measurements. It is commonly a hand-held instrument with a microphone. The diaphragm of the microphone responds to changes in air pressure caused by sound waves. That is why the instrument is sometimes referred to as a Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Meter. This movement of the diaphragm, i.e. the sound pressure deviation (pascal Pa), is converted into an electrical signal (volts V). A microphone is distinguishable by the voltage value produced when a known, constant sound pressure is applied. This is known as the microphone sensitivity. The instrument needs to know the sensitivity of the particular microphone being used. Using this information, the instrument is able to accurately convert the electrical signal back to a sound pressure, and display the resulting sound pressure level (decibels dB SPL). Sound level meters are commonly used in noise pollution studies for the quantification of different kinds of noise, especially for industrial, environmental and aircraft noise. The current international standard that specifies sound level meter functionality and performances is the IEC 61672-1:2013. However, the reading from a sound level meter does not correlate well to human-perceived loudness, which is better measured by a loudness meter. Specific loudness is a compressive nonlinearity that depends on level and also frequency, which can be calculated in a number of different ways. Personal noise dosimeter A common variant of the sound level meter is a noise dosemeter (dosimeter in American English). However, this is now formally known as a personal sound exposure meter (PSEM) and has its own International standard IEC 61252:1993. A noise dosimeter (American) or noise dosemeter (British) is a specialized sound level meter intended specifically to measure the noise exposure of a person integrated over a period of time; usually to comply with Health and Safety regulations such as the Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) 29 CFR 1910.95 Occupational Noise Exposure Standard[3] or EU Directive 2003/10/EC. This is normally intended to be a body-worn instrument and thus has a relaxed technical requirement, as a body-worn instrument—because of the presence of the body—has a poorer overall acoustic performance. A PSEM gives a read-out based on sound exposure, usually Pa²·h, and the older 'classic' dosimeters giving the metric of 'percentage dose' are no longer used in most countries. The problem with "%dose" is that it relates to the political situation and thus any device can become obsolete if the "100%" value is changed by local laws. Traditionally, noise dosemeters were relatively large devices with a microphone mounted near the ear and having a cable going to the instrument body, itself usually belt worn. These devices had several issues, mainly the reliability of the cable and the disturbance to the user's normal work mode, caused by the presence of the cable. In 1997 following a UK research grant an EU patent was issued for the first of a range of devices that were so small that they resembled a radiation badge and no cable was needed as the whole unit could be fitted near the ear. Today these devices measure not only simple noise dose, but some even have four separate dosemeters, each with many of the functions of a full-sized sound level meter, including in the latest models full octave band analysis.
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