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Pyranometer SP Lite 2 KIPP & ZONEN

Update Terakhir
14 / 08 / 2020
Min. Pembelian
1 Set
Dilihat Sebanyak
251 kali


adalah perusahaan swasta nasional yang bergerak di bidang Hygiene Industri dan Kesehatan Lingkungan. Bertujuan untuk menjembatani dan memenuhi kebutuhan dunia industri khususnya dan masyarakat pada umumnya. perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan barang dan jasa dengan meng-khususkan lingkup usaha perusahaan dalam bidang pengadaan peralatan hygiene industri dan kesehatan lingkungan, Peralatan Laboratorium, alat-alat kesehatan, serta penyediaan jasa pemantauan, pengukuran lingkungan dan perbaikan peralatan.

Produk yang diperdagangkan perusahan utamanya adalah produk produk yang berkaitan dengan hygiene industri, kesehatan lingkungan, kesehatan & keselamatan kerja dan Peralatan laboratorium dan alat  alat kesehatan . Produk produk tersebut antara lain :

A. Peralatan Pemantau Hygiene Industri dan Keselamatan Kerja Peralatan pemantau higiene industri dan keselamatan kerja meliputi :

  • Alat ukur suara ( Sound Level Meter & Noise Dosimeter) 

  • Alat ukur getaran ( Vibration Monitoring) 

  • Alat detector gas berbahaya & mudah terbakar ( Gas Detektor & Flamable Gas Detector)

  • Alat untuk pengambilan sampel gas, debu, mist, fume & aerosol ( gas, fume, aerosol sample pump & monitoring) 

B. Peralatan Pemantau Lingkungan Jenis peralatan tersebut antara lain :

  • Peralatan sampling dan analisa udara maupun peralatan untuk sampling kualitas udara pada cerobong secara isokinetik otomatis 

  • Alat pantau cuaca stasioner yang dilengkapi dengan penyimpanan data ( data logging) sesuai parameter yang diukur. 

  • Peralatan pemantau kwalitas Air Bersih dan Air Minum ( Microbiologi, PH, Conductivity, ORP, Salinity, Dissolved, Turbiditi, TDS, Resisvity, Ion Meter dll..) 

  • Perlatan pemantau kadar kimia dalam makanan 

C. Scientific Instrument, untuk :

  • Laboratorium Kimia Dasar & Kimia Klinik : Laboratorium Bio Kimia, Kimia Klinik , Kimia Analitik, Mikrobiologi, Hematologi, Parasitologi, Kimia Farmasi & Toksikologi, Serologi, Virologi & Immunologi, Kimia Air, Kimia Makanan & Minuman, dll 

  • Laboratorium Fisika & Biologi : Laboratorium Instrumentasi, Fisika dasar, Elektronika Medik, Radiology, alat elektronik, Elektronika Medik, Anatomi & Fisiology, Farmakologi dll. 

D. Media dan Reagensia, Untuk:

  • Menunjang kebutuhan reagent pada Rumah Sakit, Puskesmas, Klinik, dan Laboratorium. 

E. Survey Meter

F. Farmasi

Perhatian !

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Detail Pyranometer SP Lite 2 KIPP & ZONEN

Pyranometer SP Lite 2 KIPP & ZONEN

SP Lite 2 Pyranometer

For routine measurement of solar radiation

Reliable all weather performance

Easy to use


Spectral range ( overall )

400 to 1100 nm


60 to 100 µV/W/m²

Response time SP Lite2 ( 95 % )

< 500 ns

Directional response ( up to 80° with 1000 W/m² beam )

< 10 W/m²

Temperature response

< -0.15 %

Operational temperature range

-40 °C to +80 °C

Maximum solar irradiance

2000 W/m²

Field of view

180 °

SP Lite2 is designed for routine measurement of solar radiation.

It is especially designed for Photovoltaic / solar energy module monitoring.

SP Lite2 can be used under all weather conditions. The sensor measures the solar energy received from the entire hemisphere. It is ideal for measuring available energy for use in solar energy applications, plant growth, thermal convection and evapotranspiration.

SP Lite2 uses a photodiode detector, which creates a voltage output that is proportional to the incoming radiation. Also due to the unique design of the diffuser, its sensitivity is proportional to the cosine of the angle of incidence of the incoming radiation, allowing for accurate and consistent measurements.

SP Lite2 is easy to use. It can be directly connected to voltmeter or data logger. Direct readout in Watts per square meter ( W/m² ) can be derived from the measured voltage divided by the calibration coefficient. It is fitted with the Kipp & Zonen high quality yellow cable.

SP Lite2 features adjustment screws and a bubble level integrated in the mounting flange for your convenience. A threaded hole in the body of the housing takes our accessory screw-in mounting rod. Two instruments can easily be bolted back-to-back amd fitted with a mounting rod to make a simple albedometer.

METEON Data Logger

Hand-held display unit

Suitable for most Kipp & Zonen radiometers

Displays real-time radiation values

User-friendly Windows™ software

Long battery life


Analogue inputs 1

AD conversion resolution 16 bits

Input ranges  ± 6.25 to ± 200 mV

Inaccuracy  < 0.1 %

Operational temperature range  -10 to +40 °C

Display  4 digits with polarity

Power supply  2 AA battery

Communication interface  USB 1.1

METEON is an accurate hand-held display unit and data logger for the measurement of solar irradiance. Its small size, long battery life and universal input make it an ideal tool for many test and field applications.

The METEON can be used with

All CMP pyranometers

CM 4

PAR Lite

SP Lite2

NR Lite2


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