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Food Poison Detection Test Kit Chemsee

Update Terakhir
14 / 08 / 2020
Min. Pembelian
1 Set
Dilihat Sebanyak
149 kali


adalah perusahaan swasta nasional yang bergerak di bidang Hygiene Industri dan Kesehatan Lingkungan. Bertujuan untuk menjembatani dan memenuhi kebutuhan dunia industri khususnya dan masyarakat pada umumnya. perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan barang dan jasa dengan meng-khususkan lingkup usaha perusahaan dalam bidang pengadaan peralatan hygiene industri dan kesehatan lingkungan, Peralatan Laboratorium, alat-alat kesehatan, serta penyediaan jasa pemantauan, pengukuran lingkungan dan perbaikan peralatan.

Produk yang diperdagangkan perusahan utamanya adalah produk produk yang berkaitan dengan hygiene industri, kesehatan lingkungan, kesehatan & keselamatan kerja dan Peralatan laboratorium dan alat  alat kesehatan . Produk produk tersebut antara lain :

A. Peralatan Pemantau Hygiene Industri dan Keselamatan Kerja Peralatan pemantau higiene industri dan keselamatan kerja meliputi :

  • Alat ukur suara ( Sound Level Meter & Noise Dosimeter) 

  • Alat ukur getaran ( Vibration Monitoring) 

  • Alat detector gas berbahaya & mudah terbakar ( Gas Detektor & Flamable Gas Detector)

  • Alat untuk pengambilan sampel gas, debu, mist, fume & aerosol ( gas, fume, aerosol sample pump & monitoring) 

B. Peralatan Pemantau Lingkungan Jenis peralatan tersebut antara lain :

  • Peralatan sampling dan analisa udara maupun peralatan untuk sampling kualitas udara pada cerobong secara isokinetik otomatis 

  • Alat pantau cuaca stasioner yang dilengkapi dengan penyimpanan data ( data logging) sesuai parameter yang diukur. 

  • Peralatan pemantau kwalitas Air Bersih dan Air Minum ( Microbiologi, PH, Conductivity, ORP, Salinity, Dissolved, Turbiditi, TDS, Resisvity, Ion Meter dll..) 

  • Perlatan pemantau kadar kimia dalam makanan 

C. Scientific Instrument, untuk :

  • Laboratorium Kimia Dasar & Kimia Klinik : Laboratorium Bio Kimia, Kimia Klinik , Kimia Analitik, Mikrobiologi, Hematologi, Parasitologi, Kimia Farmasi & Toksikologi, Serologi, Virologi & Immunologi, Kimia Air, Kimia Makanan & Minuman, dll 

  • Laboratorium Fisika & Biologi : Laboratorium Instrumentasi, Fisika dasar, Elektronika Medik, Radiology, alat elektronik, Elektronika Medik, Anatomi & Fisiology, Farmakologi dll. 

D. Media dan Reagensia, Untuk:

  • Menunjang kebutuhan reagent pada Rumah Sakit, Puskesmas, Klinik, dan Laboratorium. 

E. Survey Meter

F. Farmasi

Perhatian !

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Detail Food Poison Detection Test Kit Chemsee

API Food Poison Detection Kit.

ChemSee's Food Poison Detection Kits are the only detection Kits for poisons in food that have been positively validated by the U.S. Department of Defense. For additional information on the Kit's validation, visit our validation information page.

The API Food Poison Detection Kit comes with a set of three separate detectors and everything needed to analyze a food sample and record the results for future use or as evidence. 

The Kit was developed under contract with the U.S. Department of Defense through TSWG and is used in countries throughout the world.

The Kit has been validated by the U.S. Department of Defense and several other agencies. In 2010, the Kit was validated by the Food Science Department of North Carolina State University which in conclusion found that the Kits "readily detect dangerous levels of poison yet they respond very rapidly and are easy to use even by a layman".

Product Description and Use

ChemSee distributes the API Food Poison Detection Kit for detecting dangerous levels of more than thirty poisons. The detected poisons include compounds containing cyanides, azides, chromates and sulfides ( Group I Poisons ), thallium, lead, cadmium and mercury ( Group II Poisons ) and ALL arsenic-containing compounds ( Group III Poisons ). 1 to 7 grams of sample are required, depending on the food tested.

Kit Features

Contains ALL NECESSARY TOOLS for complete analysis

Detects poisons in food and stomach content

12 Month Shelf Life

Full Instructions provided with each Kit

Training DVD Available

Validated on over 100 different food materials

Available Detection Kits

API Food Poison Detection Kit ( KT-06 )

Three detectors ( Group I, Group II and Group III Poisons ), all materials for sample preparation, built-in Quality Assurance. This includes full color instructions and a training DVD with instructions and examples of testing.

API Food Poison Detection Kit ( KT-06R )

Three detectors ( Group I, Group II and Group III Poisons ), all materials for sample preparation, built-in Quality Assurance. The KT-06R does not include a training DVD.

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